Monday, October 1, 2007

Freak The Mighty

What did you think of this novel by Rodman Philbrick?


Anonymous said...

Freak the Mighty was great!!It was sad, funny, and interesting. But I would of liked it better if Kevin wouldn't of died. So that he and Maxwell would of beeb together and so that Kevin could of got a bionic body. I really recommend this book to the future 8th graders and I hope they like it the same way we all liked it. I hope that other people from other schools read it also.

Team Titans

Anonymous said...

While reading Freak The Mighty it got more interesting each page. One reason this book was good was because it was full of suspence. near the middle was where the best part was, because Maxs dad came to his house in the middle of the night to t6ake him away. But luckly nuthing happened to him and he got home safely and his dad got put back in the end was really sad because Kevin dies from his heart getting to big for his little body. So if you want to know more about this book then pick it up at a local library and read it!

Anonymous said...

I think that "Freak the mighty" is a great book.I think it would have been a better book if freak would have lived and got the bionic body. It changes the way i look at life because in the book it said "never judge a book by its cover" meaning never judge people by the way they look. I think everyone should read this book.

Team titans.

Anonymous said...

I think it was great because that litte guy and max were one perfect person brains and bronze.Also they showed never judge a book from it cover.the book was better then the last books I read in school I applauded how they stop killer kane the bad guy from the book you should read the book NOW!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I really liked Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick because I loved how there was always suspense everytime you turned around. I mean when you end one chapter you are ready to start the next. Freak was a little boy who had alot of brains and was really smart. Mighty was this big tall boy who had brains but wasn't all that smart. So together they were Freak the Mighty. Freak would all the time ride on Mighty's shoulders and he would feel tall and big. Then that would make Mighty feel like he had the brains and was smart. Freak had always wanted a robot body. Well come to find out he wasn't going to really get a robot body but I think the book would have been better if he had got a robot body and they would have explained how his life went with a new body.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the book Freak The Mighty, by Rodman Phillbrick. First off I loved the fact that everything that happened in the book really could've happened in real life, weather we know it or not.Both Max and Kevin seem like people that you really know after you've read this book.Everytime you start to read the book you just never want to put the book down.The suspence just kills you until you know what happenes next. I highly reccomened that you read this book soon!

-Kaylin M.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the book Freak the Mighty by Rodman Phillbrick. First I liked it because you can understand it because there was pepole in it that are real. The words freak the mighty is Kevin is freak and Max is mighty. Kevin is the brain and Max was tall. the coolest part of the book is when Freak would talk because he would use all of these big words and he imagened things as him and Max were running from Tony D. There was alot of conflict in the story like when Killer Kane came and got him. Then Freak helped save him. I think the book would have been better if Freak really did get a robot body. This book was really cool!

Anonymous said...

The book Freak the Mighty was a very good book to me. It will make you think when he is in trouble with someone. A lot of people were afraid of him because he is big and his dad is a killer. You should read this book you would like it.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed Freak The Mighty beacuse it had a good moral and story. I felt like it could`ve really happened, and this small little boy showed this big guy that by using your imagination you can go anywhere you think you can. Also it goes to show that you don`t know what kind of abilities you have until there is one person in your life to show you and you don`t realize it until the person is gone. No matter how big or little you are you can do anything you know you can, and sometimes you don`t even have to think you can do it, its sometimes what others know you can do. It shows me that if you know in your heart that you can do something then you can do anything that you think you can. Its so great to know that things as great as this can happen, and I don`t mean that kevin dieing in the book was good I mean that he made a major impact on max`s life.

Anonymous said...

"Freak the Mighty" is a real good book that I like. It has a lot of things like adventure, loyalty, friendship, and bravery. It has two boys that become friends and become "Freak the Mighty." One boy is named Freak and the other is named Max. Max is a real tall guy and Freak is a small boy. Freak is always on Max shoulders and that is why they are "Feak the Mighty"

Anonymous said...

when I read Freak the Mighty I could amagin every step of the, like I was the main character.The dialogue in this book was exellent. i have never read a book before with so much wonderful dialogue. Also the characters were so amazing. Freak was a very smart person, who used these big words I didn't even know, but he would tell you what they ment. The last thing I loved about the book is the conflict. It was a little scarey when keller kane came and toke Max away. he keep on tieing Max up. Also when kane was in the basement choking Max and loretta. In conclusion this would be a good for you if you like action and adventure.

Anonymous said...

Hey, man have you ever read Freak the Mighty. If you haven't then... You need to put your nose in the book and start reading. I highly recommend it. The charcters are very adventurous... What do they get into?

Anonymous said...

I think that Freak The Mighty was an excellent book that everyone should read. Every chapter will leave you hanging unless you read it all the way through in one day. The only thing I did not like was the ending, but I won't tell you what happens because I don't want to ruin it for you! I think that this book has a wonderfull lesson to it. This was one of the best books that you could read in the world!

Anonymous said...

Freak the Mighty was a very interesting book for the 8th grade to read.When we read the book I relized how much it touched my heart.6Next i relized how much drama was between all the charters. Then after I got done thinking about everything else i saw how real the charters were in the book.They had real plots and conversations. And that is why I enjoyed the book.

Anonymous said...

I think that the Freak The Mighty is very cool. This story is about two friends, one is smart and the other one is mighty. And when they both join they make a big power. And they got to many difficulties in their life. And they work and make their difficuties easy. Thats what story is about.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Last week on freak the mighty.It was awesome when freak sprayed in the face with vinegar he thought his eyes was burning out.The sad part was when freak died, but before he did he told him to write the adventures that they had . It's such a nice book
I won't tell you all of it you will just have to find out yourself and READ THE BOOK.

P.S.:I'am reading the new one called 'MAX THE MIGHTY'.

Anonymous said...

I liked freak the mighty and disliked it. The reason that I liked max and kevin. Is because max is big but he is like a gentle giant but kevin is small but he has a big attiude. because max is so big they are afarid of him. And kevin is so small people pick on him. The reason that I dislike it is because kevin is a dwarf and at the end of the book kevin dies. And max has a nervous break down.And does not go to the funeral kevin,s mom leaves then max goes back to the down under.

Anonymous said...

In Language Arts we read a book about freak the mighty. Freak was a little guy with a big brain and mighty is a big guy with a big body and almost no brain at all and they put those together and became Freak the Mighty. The theme of the story from my perspective is two totally diffrent people that people think that are helpless can be something together. I also think the author was trying to get you to realize that you'll never know what you had until it's gone. Im sure Rodman Philbrick's idea of the them was similar to my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Freak the mighty is a very interesting book to read it deals with a gient teenager and a small boy with a physical problem. the boys have very different problems but they figured out that when they work thogether they can accomplish anything. Freak has the brains and loves to think about the nights back then and pretends that they are in that time. Max is a gient kid who thinks that hes dumb. The ending of the storie is very sad but it teaches a valluable lesson.
- Samantha Marin

Anonymous said...

I like Freak the Mighty because the way Rodman Philbrick wrote the book its like he, but in kid language. I also love the adventure and drama. In the begining of the book it is ok but I love the ending so much action and drama all rolled in to one. It is a great book to read!!

Anonymous said...

I've really enjoyed Freak the Mighty. The humor was very extrordinary and sophisticated for 8th graders. The drama was so outrageous that it fit perfect in every sentence. I would recommend Freak the Mighty to any 8th grader that enjoys magnificent advertures.
I think that any young teenager that is up for great adventures would really enjoy this book.

Anonymous said...

i think Freak the Mighty was a very good book. first of all i think the author rodman philbrick used alot of good humor. next i think the story had a good story line with alot of suspense. In conclusion i think the author used alot of realism and conflict.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

.:.:Freak the mighty:.:.
I thin kthat Freak the Mighty was a very interesting book. The book was full of adventures, and very funny context. Kevin and Max were very sneaky and michevious. The book was also very suspenceful and kept me looking forward to what ws on the next page. I would recomend this book to all my friends, although most of them have already read it...haha.
~Gabrielle D.

Anonymous said...

The book Freak The Mighty was a really good book. The first reson why I think that it was a good book is because the charactars where cool, funny, kind, mean, and nice The next reson why I liked this book is because it was funny sometime but sad in other times. My final reason why I like this book is because it was a good suspense. In conclusion i really like this good book, Freak the Mighty.

Anonymous said...

I loved Freak The Mighty! It was A very good book. Everytime you turn the page somthing else happens that keeps you alert. It was a very sad book, but at the same time, very funny. I like that about Freak The Mighty. Also, I think that Freak should not have died. It was a good ending, but I would have liked it better if he would have gotten a new body. I would Deffinatly suggest this book to other people. I think it sends out a good message to kids.

Anonymous said...

I think that the book Freak The Mighty was amazing. First, whenever you start to read the book just drags you into the story. Next, I just really like the and the characters. They fit together and make this the best book ever written. Finally, I liked all of the drama. It keeps you on your toes. In conclusion, I think that everyone should read this book because everyone feels like they don't belong sometimes until a good friend like Freak or Max comes along.

Anonymous said...

While reading Freak The Mighty it got more interesting each page. One reason this book was good was because it was full of suspence. Near the middle was where the best part was.

Anonymous said...

Rodman Philbricks book Freak The Mighty was a great book to read.
I love the charaters, Freak was a smart little boy and Max was a gentle giant. The humor in the book was great I loved it..the book was written in the piont of veiw to were you can see whats going on in the book. All in all it has a good theme and you'd love to read it.

Anonymous said...

Every rose has its thorn. Just like every night has its dawn. Just like every cowboy sings a sad sad song. Every rose has its thorn.

Anonymous said...

I like Freak the Mighty!!!!!!
P.S. You have to read this book!

Anonymous said...

The book 'Freak the Mighty' by Rodman Pylbrooke was a really good book. I was sad when Freak died, but it was still good. I really think that other classes should read this book because it is really touching and there wasn't really any specific place that this was set in. Also, this was a realistic fiction because it could happen in real life.I believe that if you let yourself believe that you can't do something, then you really believe that you can't do it.

Anonymous said...

Freak the mighty was a very good book i would not have read it if we didn't read it in class. Ther was many characters that were very cool. Like, tony d. and his gang of thugs. Most of the stuff thar goes on in this book could really happen. This book is by Rodman Philbrick he also wrote Max the Mighty. Finally the ending it is so,so,so,very,very,very sad.

Anonymous said...

This book is one of my top 5 favorite books that I've read. I have three reasons why this book, which is Freak the mighty, is one of my favorites. First of all, I like the suspense in it. Like when Tony D. and his gang tried to hurt max and freak. Or when killer kane tried to kill his son max and freak stopped him. Next, I liked the characters. Freak was my favorite because he's like one of those kids who takes medicine for being so hyper. He always seems hyper. Finally I like the conflict in there, such as max with his dad. In conclusion, I think this book is really awesome. But I just can't believe that freak died. I thought he was really gonna get a robotic body.

Anonymous said...

I thought the book was alright. It used alot of big, weird word. It was also cool by how they always made me think they were going to get in a fight. It was awesome because i could picture everything happening i my head. It was like i was there.

Anonymous said...

Freak the mighty is da bonb! I la la love this book! It's funny dramatic, heart warming, but more importantly it's funny. Freak rules I can relate to Freak I used to be real short and I used to make up my own words and such. And poor Max is just the wild looking type that just looks scary until you put a cute little kid like Freak on his shoulders and then he doesn't look so menacing as he normaly does. I love the drama between him and his dad! GAH! So much tension. And the mystrey! I mean your'e all like ''Oh My God! Did he kill his wife or is it? What? What's a goin' on? It is awesome it's adorrable. I love this book! Love it! One of the best books Ive ever read I wanna see the play so badly! That's how much it rules! YEAH! FREAK THE MIGHTY! FREAK THE MIGHTY!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The book Freak the Mighty was interesting. I enjoyed it.
First I liked the book because suspence. I liked how the book made me not want to stop reading it.
Then I also liked the caracters how they were differnt.The caracters personallity made this book good.
Finally the confilt and drama was realism. I really like the plot of the book. In conclusion I learned a lesson from this book.It was to never judge a book by its cover.

Anonymous said...

Freak the Mighty was great!!It was funny, and interesting. But I wander how the Killer Kane got in the down under where his son of a dead mother was. He was not a very good man if he killed his woman then tried 2 kill his son, his son is a punk for letting his dad beat him up like that.

Anonymous said...

I like Freak the Mighty it was a awesome book. I like it because of the drama. That is one of the reasons that i like that book. I like when Tony D came and tried to start trouble. Then the cops cruised by then they saw him and then the arrested him. Freak he is a littel guy and he has problems because he is so skinny. HE had to go to the hospital because when he was at his birthday party he had a sesure.

Anonymous said...

~Freak the Mighty~
book by Rodaman Pillbrick is am great book me personal I loved this book and I think it would make a terrific movie.I loved the suspence in the book because theres always something exciting around the coner.Lots of humour in this book like for example boy named Max and the kids at school called him Maxi pad.This book is so realistic it's like your there in a little coner all to your self where no one can see you but you can see them and all the drama is there and the conflict is there it's all there.!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I loed this book so much. In the begining it was about a troubled teen. Then a crippled kid moved in next door and they became friends, and that made me happy for him. It makes me feel like theres hope for me after all. It also teaches me to make the most of my life in what little life i have.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, Rodman Philbrick did a good job on this book. Ever wonder how it feels to be in a basement in a burned down house being choked by your dad? Then this is the book for you! Maxwell and Kevin are the main characters and are cool.

Anonymous said...

Freak the mighty is an okay book. I would not reccomend if you do not like sad books. Because something bad happens in the end. But if you nothing else to do then I guess you could read it I you have nothing else to do ever. Then please usse it as a last resort.

Anonymous said...

This was an alright book, but to me the action was slow. Even though the author did a good job of making things flow and lots of drama and suspense I've definetly read better. I didnt really get into it either times that I read it. But, I do think that the author is a good writer; And the book has a good moral to it, I just like more mysterious story line.

Anonymous said...

This book was a good book, but definitely wasn't my favorite. I liked the characters and the suspense I got during Max's kidnapping, when Loretta was being choked, and when Max and Freak were running from the bullies. Other parts of this story were boring and were written poorly. If some parts were written differently, the story would have meant more and would ahve had a greater impact on people. It was an ok book and overall it was boring, but I definitely don't think I would reccomend it to others.

Anonymous said...

I think Rodman Philbrick " Freak the mighty" was a really good Book Read it!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This book really really sucked

Anonymous said...

I think Rodman Philbrick made Freak the Mighty a great book. It is full of good humor. It's very interesting and a good book to read. I think it has very good humor and a great theme. It's unlike any other book I've ever read and I hope you get a chance to read it.

Anonymous said...

I think we should be reading more challenging material in class. This book made me feel stupid. Like you think we cant read or something. We should read better books. And whats with reading it out loud? Dont do that!!

Anonymous said...

By far the best book I have read this year is Rodman Philbrick's Freak the Mighty. First, a big teenager named Max lives with his grandparentsin thier basement, because his father was put in prison, because he killed Max's mother. Then Max meets his neighbor, Freak, who is a midget and is very smart. Next, freak and Max become very good friends. Freak's insides were growing but his outsides weren't. Will Freak get his bionic body or not? That is the question.

Anonymous said...

Freak The Mighty by Rodman Philbrick is an intresting book. It's about these two guys that are different from everyone else and they become very good friends. I think it's an intresting book because it's action filled and it makes a good point. You should READ IT!

Anonymous said...

I feel that the book Freak The Mighty written Rodman Philbrick was a great book. First of all, the suspense was awesome. It made you want to turn the page and find out what was going to happen. Next, the characters were cool also. They were all very unique and had their own way of doing things. Finally, there was a lot of conflict. Every page there was something going on. I(n conclusion, this was a great bool and if you ever get a chance to read it you should definately take advantage of it.

Anonymous said...

What I liked about Rodman Philbricks book Freak the mighty was the characters. I like the characters because they are so realistic.

Anonymous said...

I think that Rodman Philbricks "Freak the Mighty" was an excellent book and you should take a chance and read this book.because there is comedy, and there is suscpense. And it has alot of real life problems. so if you have any free time then i think that you should try reading this book.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a pretty good book. it could have benn a little better if one of the main charaters dies in the end.
One reason I like it is because of all the adventures they go on as freak the mighty. Also, I think the fact that Freak is so smart and that he has so much crude humor.
In conclusion, Rodman Philbrick's Freak the Mighty is an all aroung good book. From where Max meets Freak to where Killer Kane Steals Max away in the night. If you don't read this book your a faget.

Anonymous said...

The book Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick is awsome you have to read it, it rocks. It has saddness, happyness, suspence(killer kane), and and alot of hilarious parts in it like freak trying to jump up the tree to get a plane..... READ THIS BOOK YOU'LL LIKE IT ALOT!!!!!!! it rocks out loud!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Do not ever read this book so
ever so listen and never read this book

Anonymous said...

Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick is awesome!! You should totally read it! Even though it's kind of sad and scary, it's still good. It would have been better if they all lived happily ever after. So if you think you'll like it, then go read it.

Anonymous said...

The Book Freak The Mighy has good and bad parts in it. First there is a good amount of humorous material in this book. Especially when Freak chokes on the american stir-fry. Next the suspense was outrageous. Especially when killer kane is choking loretta and max yells out that he saw killer kane choke his mom to make him stop. That was pretty suspenseful.

Anonymous said...

I did not like the book.........................

Anonymous said...

Freak the Mighty was a very wierd book. First of all, Max is this huge, feared kid that lives with his grangparents in their basement. Kevin (freak) moves in next door and Max's world is changed. Together, they sleigh dragons and save the world, but Max's dad, Killer Kane, a prisoner on parol, comes and kidnapps Max but Freak comes to the rescue and again, they do something awesome. Something goes wrong with Freak and
the rest remains a mystery.

Anonymous said...

The book Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick is a pretty good book. It was not one of the books that I normally read, but it was still good! This book is always keeping you interested! In the book Maxwell and Kevin show great courage throughout the book and end up being Freak the Mighty! Freak is Kevin and Mighty is Maxwell. The ending was surprisingly sad, but overall it was a good book.

Anonymous said...

this book still sucks

Anonymous said...

By far the best book I've read this year by Rodman Phillbrick, is Freak the Mighty. Freak is a cripple little boy who is twelve. He moves to Maxwell's neighborhood. They meet and together they become Freak the Mighty.It is a book of lots of action, drama, emotion, and at the end sadness.Freak must hope for somethinh, which is a new robotic body. Will he get it to live a better life or suffer.

Anonymous said...

I felt that Rodman Philbricks, Freak the Mighty was ok but it's not ob my top book list. First, the book was boring at sometimes and interesting at others. I liked the characters and how it seemed real. Finally, I liked the suspense and how everything that caused the suspense was realistic. In conclusion, this is not one of the books I would recommend but if you want, read it.

Anonymous said...

Recentlt i have just read the book freak the mighty by Rodman Philbrick, and i thought that is was a very good book. I thought that the main characters worked well with each other. It was kind of sad that a person that was so smart had to die at a young age. There was suspense in places of the book and i thought that it was the absolute best book i have read all year long. So read it or else.

Anonymous said...

bad choice mr. jefferson bass loser

Anonymous said...

Freak the Mighty was an awesome book so go and get your nose in it if you haven't read it already! I mean you're just weird if you dont like this book. This book was about these two boys who helped each other out in certain situations. Freak was a genious and Maxwell was mighty and strong so that's kind of interesting(isn't it?).

Anonymous said...

Freak the Mighty was a great book! It really kept you into the book, because you never knew what was going to happen to Freak the Mighty next. I truly enjoyed this book and would suggest all of my friends to read it! So I hope that you will go out and check Freak the Mighty out!

Anonymous said...

Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick, is a really good book. It is so awsome because this little cripled dude thinks he is so much tougher than everybody else but he is only two or three feet tall. You have to read it there is so much suspence,happiness, sadness, fear, and friendship. After you read this book if you do not like this book I will hunt you down and kick your sorry little butt, but you will probaly will.Won't you?

Anonymous said...

Freak the mighty is really cool its full of all kinds of action and suspence so read it!

Anonymous said...

I think Rodman Philbrich's book freak the Mighty was a veary interesting book. Becuase of the realisum, the things that happened in the book could realy happen in real life. The characters were veary differen that i thoug, freak was a very smart kid that had a problem. also max thought he had no brain, but if you put both of them together then they make a good team. I also like it because of the drma and action.

Anonymous said...

Freak the mighty by Rodman Phillbrick was a very interesting book. Fourth best out of all the books i have got to read. Freak is a very sily but exclusive boy he plays robts all the time and calls humans earthlings. Gram and Grim are Maxe's grand parents that have raised him since his father killer kain was put in jail for murder. Killer Kain then gets a hold of his long lost son. What happens next?
All of these elements make you not put the book down.

Anonymous said...

I thought that rodma philbicks boook Freak the mighty was a funny and crazy creative book. Lots of aciton and intense drama here and there. There was something always going on in the story either it was freak was correcting max or teaching max something new. In the book I had no dislikes and i barley read so it was an awesome book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Freak the mighty was great! The thing what made me surprise was the friendship that 2 people had that they were so diffrent from each other. It had so much suspense. I don't have a favorite part because the whole thing was my favorite. It just seemed so real like made me think that someone actually did go through this. The main thing that I liked about the book was how the book showed us how a real friendship works. Also, that no matter what there is someone there for you.

Anonymous said...

Freak The Mighty
Freak the mighty is a cool book. Freak the mighty ha lots of drama, it is very funny and it has a good plot to the story. This was the best book ever.

Anonymous said...

Our class read a book called freak the mighty by Rodman Philbrick. I thought ot was a good book and know im going to tell you a little bit about it! In this book some of the main charcecters are freak which is kevin and mighty which was max there is also killer kane , grim, gram and the fair of gwen! well it is a great story and i think you should read it im not going to tell you anymore so you will just have to figure it out your self!! well got to go ttyl bye

Anonymous said...

I think Freajk the mighty is a very interesting book. Because if the realism, the things that happened could realy hanppen in real life. freak is a very smart kid. I also like it because of its drama

Anonymous said...

Freak The Mighty was a great book! I really like the part when Mighty goes crazy! Because it shows how strong his friendhip was for Freak. I also like the part when Freak squirted some kind of mixed chemicals in his little water gun, (that was a lol moment!!!) into Killer Kanes eyes. The one part I didnt like was when Freak died, that was the saddest part of the whole book. But overall it was a GREAT book!!!

Anonymous said...

This is just so I can get through it. I thought it was good........Thats all....NEXT!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is just so I can get through it. I thought it was good........Thats all....NEXT!!!!

Anonymous said...

read this book

Anonymous said...

I think that freak the mighty was a good book. First of all I loved max description of how he thought of things like the down under.I also loved the suspence in the book.But overall I think this book rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =0

Anonymous said...

awsome bitch

Anonymous said...

Freak The Mighty is great. First, I liked the suspense like when Max/Mighty was kidnapped by his dad.Then, I liked the humor Freak was the funniest character in the book. Finally, the characters in the book were cool. Freak is my favorite. In conclusion you need to read this book the suspense, humor, and characters are great.

Anonymous said...

Freak the Mighty is the coolest book I read since last year. It has ups (funny) and downs (sad). It is still great even though freak dies. I actually though that Freak was really going to get a bionical body.

Anonymous said...

I like the book Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrook. it was funny, scary, and suspenceful. I didnt like it because Kevin or freak died at the end. My favorite part was when max would put freak on his shoulders and he would fell like he was on top of the world. All of these things are what make Freak the Mighty good. I would recomend this book.

Anonymous said...

The book freak the mighty is a very interesting book and is suspentsful like when max's father gets out of jail and kidnaps Max. But the book is quit interesting and sweet because Max becomes friends with somebody he used to hate he just calls him freak. The book is also very humerous because Freak tells max that he is going to get a new perfect robot body. But at the end he finds out that was just a lie from the doctor not to keep him worried about the disease that he has.

Anonymous said...

this book was a really good book.i really made you look at things a certant way like how Freak was cripple but yet really smart,and how big Max was but a really kind person.i hope to read more of his books .I love the way the auther writes!!!! I loved this book!!!

Anonymous said...

Freak the Mighty was a good book I guess,(I really didn't pay attention but watever. My favorite part of the book was the chaper Killer Kane.

Anonymous said...

Freak The Mighty was a great book! i would soo read it again if i could!! I really liked the part when Mighty goes crazy for Freak! that shows how strong his friendship was for Freak! I also like the part when freak squirted that mixed chemical crap in Killer Kanes eyes ( that was a lol moment ) The only part i didnt like was the part when Freak died! that was the saddest part in the whole story! but overall it was a good book and I would read it OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!

Anonymous said...

Freak the Mighty is a good book. I thought that it was a very interesting book. The part that i liked the most is when they got stuck in the mud. It was my favorite part because they stayed together no matter what. The secound thing that i liked about this book was how that the vook was adventurous and had different emotions. Like about what happens to freak at the end, when max and freak became freinds they were happy, and it was hilarious when freak said that is was so quiet that you could hear a mouse fart.. This book is one of the best books that i have read in a long time and i thank the author for that alot.

Anonymous said...

Freak the mighty i didnt finish it but from what i hear they say it was a very good book and it was a little sad because freak died but other than that they say it was better than they thought it would be. so read it

Anonymous said...

Freak the Mighty is a great book. But what I like best is the dialect,it's just like how a real person would talk,wich is pritty cool.THIS BOOK IS COOL-LE-O TO THE MAX.You need to read it for your self.

Anonymous said...

anonymous said the book freak the mighty was the best book i have ever read .this rocks1!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!