Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton

What is your opinion of The Outsiders?


Anonymous said...

S.E. Hinton's novel, "The Outsiders" is a fantastic book because of how there was a lot of tragedy and hardships because people go through those things everyday. We also liked how some of the characters were sensative such as Ponyboy and Johnny and others were rough and tough such as Dally and Darry. The rumble was the best part in our opinion because that's how the greasers got the socs out of their territory.

Anonymous said...

The Outsiders is a great book because it's easy for teens to relater to. We liked the fact that the characters in the book are faced with challenges that young teens are faced with in their everyday life. We didn't like the fact that S.E. Hinton put so many details, in some parts of the book that made it boring. But overall it was a good book and we highly recommend to young teenagers.

Anonymous said...

The readers of The Outsiders like the book but there are some readers who think it's ok. The teens who like it, like it because of the realism of it and being able to relate to it. The teens who think the book is ok, think this because there's not a lot of action and because emotions change really fast and they are not easy to follow. This is a great book for school because this book is meant for teens. Read this book for a different outlook on life.

Anonymous said...

The Outsiders
“Need a haircut greaser?” the medium sized blond pulled out a knife out of his back pocket and flipped it open. “The Outsiders” by S.E. Hinton, is a magnificent book filled with tension, drama, and realistic violence. It is easy to get involved in this stupendous book because it is filled with real-life situations. The characters in “The Outsiders” connect to teens in today’s world. We highly recommend this great book to any teenager

Anonymous said...

The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton is the greatest book that I have ever read for school. I love this book so much the teacher Mr.Barber had to get out a crowbar and pry it from my hands in order to get it away from me. It is such a great book because of the realism, violence, and the likeable characters. The characters were tough but on the inside had a heart of gold like me. Read this book or bad things will happen to you

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The Outsiders is a book worthy of four stars becauseof its wonderfully described scenes, people, and problems that place you in the situations of the story itself. the characters are so realand vulnerable that you can view them as your own personal friends. THey reveal more about their past thoughts and feelings as the story progresses which causes you to change your opinion on their values. We give this excellent book a thumbs up!!

Anonymous said...

Drugs, gangs, and violence, turned into a heartwarming story, makes The Outsiders a popular teen novel. Our group truly enjoyed The Outsiders because of the true characters,dramatic events, and the elements of realism. If our group could change one thing in the book we would change the fact that Dally died. We think this so that Johnny could show Dally the letter so maybe Dally would have changed.

Anonymous said...

This is a great book beacuse people, most importantly teens, can relate to all the hardships that happen. S.E. Hinton didn't go into much depth with the characters, but there was still some great characters like Ponyboy and Dally. Dally is supposed to be this really tough guy but when something happens to Johnny then he just breaks down. Ponyboy is this character who has to cope with the deaths of his parents but is still able to have fun!

Anonymous said...

This book was something I could imagine. It was a book that every teen could relate to, because its like so real. It tells everything like how it really is now in days. I loved this book. I am not surprised if I end up buying the movie!!!

Anonymous said...

i like it

Anonymous said...

On a scale from 1 star to 5 stars i give this book 5 stars. Igive this book this rating because this was a very good book and i learned alot from it. My favorite charactor was Johnny because he was brave. My favorite scene in this book was when the church cought on fire. I liked this scene because they saved the kids from the fire. If I could change one thing about this book it would be for Johnny not to die. I'd like to ask the author why she chose to do something like this. I would reccomend this book to anyone who likes funny stories but in some parts sad.

Anonymous said...

I give this book 5 stars,. I give this book this rating because it was an awesome book, with lots of action and felling. My favorite character was ponyboy because he loved to watch sunsets and he was kind and not tough but tried to be. My favorite scene was the rumble. i like this scene because the socs thought they were going to win but they ran away and the greasers won and they were so thrilled. If i could change one thing in the book it would be johnnys parents and how they trwated hima nd didnt even care about him. I would like yo ask the author hwy she wanted to write a book like this instead of a diffeent topic. I would recommened this book to anyone who like action and alot of felling in the books they read.

Anonymous said...

i love the book and the movie it was a very good experience

Anonymous said...

i give the outsiders 5 stars.i give this rating because it was interesting and it made me keep waiting for what would happen.my favorite character was ponyboy because he was always into stuff.my favorite scene in the book was the church fire.i liked this scene beacuse it was happy that the greasers helped the little kids and saved them from the buring church.if i could change one thing abou the book it would be that jhonny didnt have to die that way.id like to ask the auther why she didnt put all of the scenes in the movie.i would recommend this book to anyone who likes action and sad books.

Anonymous said...

i give the outsiders 5 stars. i give the book this rating because it is an awesome book, and movie. My favorite character was dally because he was awesome he went to prison alot. my favorite scene in the book was the rumble. i liked this scene because it had alot of violence. if i could change one thing about the book it would be that ponyboy would be tough. i'd like to ask the author why she made ponyboy a wimp. i would recommend this book to any one who likes gangs.

Anonymous said...

i give this book a 5 stars.The reason i gave this book a rating of 5 stars was because of the action in the book and how i sucks u in to the story.my faviort character was poneyboy becausre was always gitimg to thing and he realy did not mean to. My favorite scean in the book was the rumble. I like this sceqan because poneyboy got knocked out and that was funny. If i c ould chang any part of the story it would be that johnny does not die. I'd like to ask the author why she made johnny die in tha book. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a book with alot of action and a sad ending

Anonymous said...

i gave this book a 4 because it was good but not all that and a bag of chips, but my favorite person in this book was two bit because he really did't care about all that was going on, and the sene i like in this book was the rumble because when ponyboy got knoc out that was funny, one part i would have took out was when pony ack like johnny was not really dead, and i would ask the author why she put that part in book, and i would recommend this book to any one who likes reading books because it pretty good.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

On a scale of 1 star to 5 stars, I give S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders 4 stars.I give the book this rating because the book was really good, but S.E. Hinton could of left out the ponyboy's dreams. My favorite character was Cherry because even though she was a Socs, she still helped the Greasers. My favorite scene was the church fire because it was the part most people remembered and the best part of the book. If I could change something in the book it would be the ending and take out most of Ponyboy's dreams. I would like to ask the author why she went into detail on Ponyboy'sdreams. I would recommend this book to someone who liked action filled books

Anonymous said...

On a scale i to 5 i give this book a 5 because it is a fast pase book with a lot of action.and my favorite charicter was Toobit because he is tough and he gets drunk a lot. My favorite part of the book was when they had a ramble because that part had a lot of action and it was just a big figt agains the socias and the greesers. If i could change one thing about the book it would be that when they had the big ramble that they should of used baseball bats and kniver and brass nucles and stuff like that. Id like to ask the auther why she didn't put the hole entire book into the movie. I would recemend this book to anyone who likes a lot of actoin.

Anonymous said...

I give this book 5 stars,. I give this book this rating because it was an awesome book, with lots of action and felling. My favorite character was ponyboy because he loved to watch sunsets and he was kind and not tough but tried to be. My favorite scene was the rumble. I like this scene because the socs thought they were going to win but they ran away and the greasers won and they were so thrilled. If i could change one thing in the book it would be johnnys parents and how they treated him and didnt even care about him. I would like to ask the author why she wanted to write a book like this instead of a diffrent topic. I would recommened this book to anyone who likes action and alot of feeling in the books they read.

Anonymous said...

This is a great book. Read it!!!

Anonymous said...

Loved the book and want to read it again..........!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

on a scale of one to five stars i give S.E. Hinton's The outsiders 5stars igave this rating because it was a good book and exiting. My favorite character was Dally because he was gangster. My favorite scene in the book was when Jonhy killa bob the builder I liked this scene because it had alot of action if i could change one thing about the book it would be Johny's dead I'd like to ask the author why she decide to kill dally. i would recommend this gook to anyone who can read and understand english

metal mania said...

this is a relly good book read it please

Anonymous said...

I give the book 4 stars. I give the book this because because it was a good but it could have been beter.My favortie character was 2~bit because he was cool,he was bad,he was fun to be with.My favortie scene in this book was when the ran away.i like this scene because they stand up for there self and just ran away.I would like to ask the auther wht she did she write about this.If I told anybody to read this book it would be people who are in gang and stuf like that.

Anonymous said...

I give this book 5 stars. I give the book this rating because, I like it.My favorite charcter was Two-bit,because he acks so big and bad!!My favorite scene in the book was when Ponyboy and Johnny ran away. I liked this sceae because they had to be very carefuuly and they had to cut and bleach there hair.If i could change one thing about this book it would be, Johnny and Dallas wouldent die, cause that was really sad.I would like to ask the author why she had to put that Johnny and Dallas died.I would recomand this book to anyone who likes action!!!

Anonymous said...

this book was a really good book because of all the fights in it. also it was good because of how it relates to some people at this school. I think the best part of the book was when the big rumble happend and they beat up the socs and chased them out of there territory.

Anonymous said...

This book is so cool!!!!

Anonymous said...

"The Outsiders" by S.E Hinton, was amazing from start to finish. The book was full of action, making me constantly feel like I was being pulled into the characters life. Everything that happened in "The Outsiders" is somthing we can all relate to in someway. Friends dieing, fights, runing away, all of it. I think young teens love this book so much because of how easy it is to relate to the characters. I personally liked Johnny the most. Its easy to feel like your parents dont love you. Also to know what it feels like to depend on friends. How you sometimes need that special friend watching your back. I'd recomed this book to anyone who likes acton, fighting, and a true love story between friends and family who have to pull together to make it work.

turd master 1,000 said...
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Anonymous said...

i give the outsiders 5 stars.i give this rating because it was interesting and it made me keep waiting for what would happen.my favorite character was ponyboy because he was always into stuff.my favorite scene in the book was the church fire.i liked this scene beacuse it was happy that the greasers helped the little kids and saved them from the buring church.if i could change one thing abou the book it would be that jhonny didnt have to die that way.id like to ask the auther why she didnt put all of the scenes in the movie.i would recommend this book to anyone who likes action and sad books.

Anonymous said...

I love Chaudrey

Anonymous said...

On scale of one star to five,i give S.E Hinton's the outsiders 5 stars.

Igive the book this rating because I thinkit was a very good book.

my favorite character was ponyboy because he was the main character of the story.

My favorite scene in the book was when the rumble started.

I like this scene because I like to here about fights.

If i could change one thing about the book it would be better

I'd like to ask the aother why she choosed to write about this book

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

!!i ♥ this book!!

disturbed69 said...

I really like this book by S.E hinton. Its really easy for teens to relate to this because the characters go through the same crap that we do.I give this book 4 stars out of 5. I highly recommend this book.

Anonymous said...

The book outsiders by S.E.Hintion
is a intresting book al the way through. The author put in alot of problems teenagers face out on the streets and at home.My favorite character is dally beacause he's so intrestingit's little things in him that are intresting to me.I would love to change the book so that no one dies and evryones at peace but then wheres the drama?
LOVE,eryn harris

Anonymous said...

I feel this book was boring and overrated because I never finished the book because I couldn't get into it. i didn't feel like the story line made sense and the characters are two-dimensional and underdeveloped. you can tell that S.E. Hinton, a young teenager wrote this book at sixteen years of age. unless you are a poor guy raised by his older brother you can not relate to this in any way or fashion.

Anonymous said...

This book is very discriptive of my life! I loved it. Some of the things that happened in this book have happened to me and my friends and because of that it really spoke to me! I reccomend this book to any teen who has had problems with fitting in!!!

Anonymous said...

I personally loved S.E Hintons book the outsiders because of the realism,drama,and the characters.In my opinion all of these things are what make a good book.another reason why this is such a good book is because she was only 16 when she wrote it and that just makes it so easy to relate to. I would recomend this book to anyone who is willing to read it. -M.H

Anonymous said...

This book was a great comparison to real life. Teens do have it rough. They have trouble fitting in or looking like the popular kids. Anyone who reads this book will understand what teens go through everyday!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

i personally thougth the book waz not that great. i would rather read something more challenging and more intresting. this story was kind of blah.

Anonymous said...

can we pick the book next time...seriously!!

Anonymous said...

If you were on the run
I would lie for you
If you were hurt
I would cry for you
If you were dying
I would die for you

Anonymous said...

I really loved the unspoken relationship between Cherry and ponyboy! It really spoke to me because the same thing is happening in my life. I know exactly how Ponyboy feels for Cherry!:)

Anonymous said...

boring book.

Anonymous said...

this book was good for teens to realate to. That was about it though!!

Anonymous said...

I loved this book Mr.b!!!!But can we pick our book next time?????:)

Anonymous said...

i give the book 5 stars.
it is an awesome book. i liked the rumble. my favorite character is dally cause he goes to prison alot. the rumble had alot of violence. i recommend this book to anyone who likes gangs.

Anonymous said...

The book The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton is a good book, I gave it a 5 star rating out of 5 stars because it was exciting I think that anyone should read the book if they like books full of suspensful reading.

Anonymous said...

On a scale 1 to 5 i give this book a 5 because it is a fast pase book with a lot of action.and my favorite charicter was Toobit because he is tough and he gets drunk a lot. My favorite part of the book was when they had a ramble because that part had a lot of action and it was just a big figt agains the socias and the greesers. If i could change one thing about the book it would be that when they had the big ramble that they should of used baseball bats and kniver and brass nucles and stuff like that. Id like to ask the auther why she didn't put the hole entire book into the movie. I would recemend this book to anyone who likes a lot of actoin.

Anonymous said...

On a scale of 1 star to 5 stars, I give S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders 4 stars.I give the book this rating because the book was really good, but S.E. Hinton could of left out the ponyboy's dreams. My favorite character was Cherry because even though she was a Socs, she still helped the Greasers. My favorite scene was the church fire because it was the part most people remembered and the best part of the book. If I could change something in the book it would be the ending and take out most of Ponyboy's dreams. I would like to ask the author why she went into detail on Ponyboy'sdreams. I would recommend this book to someone who liked action filled books.

Anonymous said...

On a scale of 1 star to 5 stars, I give S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders 4 stars.I give the book this rating because the book was really good, but S.E. Hinton could of left out the ponyboy's dreams. My favorite character was Cherry because even though she was a Socs, she still helped the Greasers. My favorite scene was the church fire because it was the part most people remembered and the best part of the book. If I could change something in the book it would be the ending and take out most of Ponyboy's dreams. I would like to ask the author why she went into detail on Ponyboy'sdreams. I would recommend this book to someone who liked action filled books

Anonymous said...

i gave this book a 4 because it was good but not all that and a bag of chips, but my favorite person in this book was two bit because he really did't care about all that was going on, and the sene i like in this book was the rumble because when ponyboy got knoc out that was funny, one part i would have took out was when pony ack like johnny was not really dead, and i would ask the author why she put that part in book, and i would recommend this book to any one who likes reading books because it pretty good.

Anonymous said...

i gave this book a 4 because it was good but not all that and a bag of chips, but my favorite person in this book was two bit because he really did't care about all that was going on, and the sene i like in this book was the rumble because when ponyboy got knoc out that was funny, one part i would have took out was when pony ack like johnny was not really dead, and i would ask the author why she put that part in book, and i would recommend this book to any one who likes reading books because it pretty good.

Anonymous said...

The outsiders was a great book. I would recommend this book because it had alot of DRAMA! If you dnt read this book you are missing out on a awesome book, anyways if you haven't read this book.... READ IT PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

On a scale i to 5 i give this book a 5 because it is a fast pase book with a lot of action.and my favorite charicter was Toobit because he is tough and he gets drunk a lot. My favorite part of the book was when they had a ramble because that part had a lot of action and it was just a big figt agains the socias and the greesers. If i could change one thing about the book it would be that when they had the big ramble that they should of used baseball bats and kniver and brass nucles and stuff like that. Id like to ask the auther why she didn't put the hole entire book into the movie. I would recemend this book to anyone who likes a lot of actoin.

Anonymous said...

This is a great book beacuse people, most importantly teens, can relate to all the hardships that happen. S.E. Hinton didn't go into much depth with the characters, but there was still some great characters like Ponyboy and Dally. Dally is supposed to be this really tough guy but when something happens to Johnny then he just breaks down. Ponyboy is this character who has to cope with the deaths of his parents but is still able to have fun!

Anonymous said...

I personally thought the book was kind of boring. The emotions in the book switched around a lot and were hard to follow. This book is not one of my favorites, I think that there could have been more action in the book.

Anonymous said...

I thought the book was alright. Even though there was tons of stuff going on all the time I thought it ws kind of dull. The plot, was good, but really original. Even though its no tlike theres another book like the outsiders there are plenty of bools about disturbed teens. I just didnt fing it very intersting.

Anonymous said...

The Outsiders is a book worthy of four stars becauseof its wonderfully described scenes, people, and problems that place you in the situations of the story itself. the characters are so realand vulnerable that you can view them as your own personal friends. THey reveal more about their past thoughts and feelings as the story progresses which causes you to change your opinion on their values. We give this excellent book a thumbs up!!

Anonymous said...

S.E. Hinton wrote a great teen novel called The Outsiders. The Outsiders is a great book because it is very realistic. All of the issues in the book can relate to teens. I give The Outsiders 5 stars!It is a great book that every teenager should read!

Anonymous said...

S.E. Hinton the outsiders to me is a really good book. If i had to rate it i would rate it 4 stars. It is easy to relate to todays drama and i would recommend this book to to anyone who can read.

Anonymous said...

The Outsiders is an awesome book that deserves a thumbs up. With its drama and wonderfully true view to the real world and friction between social classes, it is the perfect book not only for teenagers, but for adults too. It describes an evironment that people can relate to in a sense and could even help the reader through difficult situations. The Outsiders is worthy of four stars.
I also typed the review under em&em with Emily S.

Anonymous said...

The book The Outsiders was a pretty good book. While I may think that amny others think that it's magnificent. If I had to give it a rating out of five stars, it would be abot 2.5 stars. The realsim, tension, and drama was good but it was missing something. The characters didn't stand for what they were. For instance, if there's a tough guy you expect him to act tough, not be the nicest kid in the neighborhood. Despite these infractions, the book was still worth reading. I would reccomend it.

Anonymous said...

"The Outsiders," by S.E. Hinton, was an awesome book because it is easy for teens andd even adults to relate to. I highly recommend this book. So if you haven't read it already then you should check it out!

Anonymous said...

The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton is one of the best novels I've ever read. I love it because of the realism and dramatic events. Ponyboy was one of the best characters. He loes and is part of the greasers who go throgh many events which are dangerous!(:

Anonymous said...

It is freaken awsome!!!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

i think this book is very very good with lots of action. and dieing.

Anonymous said...

S.E. Hinton did an awesome job with The Outsiders.
It was almost like you were in the book you know, and she makes things seam so real and uses real life situations.

By Alyssa Brooks

Anonymous said...

This book is really good that I would love to read it over and over again. This book says things that is like reality. I give this the hightest rating ever in the world. I know that was gay, but this book was freakin awesome. I am not surprise I buy the dang book, because its like so good. This book is good for the people who like drama. This book is really good thats all I can say.

Anonymous said...

The Outsiders is a great book because it's easy for teens to relater to. We liked the fact that the characters in the book are faced with challenges that young teens are faced with in their everyday life. We didn't like the fact that S.E. Hinton put so many details, in some parts of the book that made it boring. But overall it was a good book and we highly recommend to young teenagers.

Anonymous said...

Tha Outsiders is a intense,actiony book but yet funny and silly at the same time. Favorite charectar is johnny cause he is kinda like me. The books 5 star straight up cant beat it!!!!!! You are awesome s.e. hinton your the bomb!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I gave this book a 7. This book is really good.The reason I liked this book is because I like action books.This is great book for teenagers. I think the rumble is the best part because the greasers beat up the socs. If you want a different out look of life then you should read this book.This is a very good book to read if you like action and like to read about gangs.

Anonymous said...

i think the book was ok but i dont think it was right for Johny and Dallas to die that was not cool so i give this book a 4 and ponyboy should have die because he was the one that killed him

Anonymous said...

The Outsiders is a wonderful book because it has alot of action in it.My favorite character was johnny because he was always in a bad situation and always gets out either in a good or bad way..No matter how he got out of it there was always something happening after that.My favorite scene in this selection would be bob dying.Its my favorite scene because it has alot of action and i love action packed books..If i could change anything in this selection i would change the names of the people thats all that i would change and some of the chapters..I would change them because the author went on about somethings that really didnt matter that much but it made u read it longer though..Id like to ask the author where she got the names she did for the characters..I would recommend this book who likes things with action and alot of irony in it..Thats why i like the book.

Anonymous said...

I reccomend this book to anyone who likes books with irony and this is a very interesting book. On a scale of one to ten i would rate it at a ten. I will be honest with you i am very picky about what books i resd but this book was really easy for me to get interested in.

Anonymous said...

I gave the book the Outsiders a 4 it is a very good book with a great story line. It is full of action, suspense, and exciting material. just go buy the f*@!ing book !!!!!

Anonymous said...

this is like the best book ever if there was a book of hall of fame the outsiders would be in it

Anonymous said...

The outsiders is a great book. It has a lot of greatness. S.E Hintons was very darning in writeing this book because she is a girl. My favorite character is Ponyboy because he's smart enough to be a soc's but he's a greser but he seems okay with it. Anybody would love this book.

Anonymous said...

I gave this book, The Outsiders, 5 stares because it was fake but i sonded so real. I think dallas was the best character because he did things whitout a worrie.the beat scen in the book was the rummbel, it had alot of action in it. i liked it when at the end pinyboy was writting the book the hole time.

Anonymous said...

THE OUTSIDERS was a good book! i loved it! i think that it was the only book i read that had enough discrption! it described the scences PERFECTLY! it was like ounce you started reading the book you couldn't put the thing down! even if you dont like reading! you will love this book! AND THE MOVIE! awesome! ecspecailly when they showed Sodapops (Rob Lowe.. MY MAN!!!!=) body! yea! another reason i enjoyed this book was because i could relate to Sodapop about being the middle child and how he feels like he is ALWAYS getting drug into things that he had nothing to do with! soo yea basically the OUTSIDERS is the bestest book EVER!!

Anonymous said...

I gave the book the Outsiders a 4 it is a very good book with a great story line. It is full of action, suspense, and exciting material. just go buy the f*@!ing book !!!!!

Anonymous said...

The outsiders book is a good book because it is suspenceful. My favorite character is dally because he was good/bad and he was really nice to johnny and he was like a brother to him. My favorite scene in the movie was then rumble. I liked this scene because it was a lot of fighting and it was funny. If i could change one thing about the book it would be take out all the stupid stuff. I'd like to ask the author why she wanted ot write the book. I owuld recommend this book to anyone who like sad,suspenceful books.

Anonymous said...

The Outsiders was a good book.Ill give it a 4 because about 1 or 2 chapers were talking about the same thing but although it was a good book. It has a lot of action in it.I would recommend this book to people who likes to read about violance.

Anonymous said...

THE OUTSIDERS gets 4 stars from me becuse it's really good, but near the end it gets pointless. My favorite character is Cherry Valance because she understood how the greasers felt. My favorite scene is when the greasers were doing backflips on the way to the rumble because its weird how they are supposed to be tough, but yet they know gymnastics. If I could change anything in the book, it would bethe ending. I'd like to ask S. E. Hinton why she ended the book like she did. I recommend this book to anyone who likes adventure, laughs, and cries.

Anonymous said...

well like i said this book is ok but read it to find out what happens

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

THE OUTSIDERS was a really good book,it had things people my age could like relate to.My favorite character was Johnny because he was calm but yet he had alot of emotoion.My favorite scene was at the gang fight.Because the way S.E. Hinton wrote that scene you could almost imange it.the only thing i would change was the author tried to fill in time at odd times.I would recommend this but to anyone who loves,drama,suspion,and love and hatered!

Anonymous said...

I recommend this book to anyone who likes a little action and alot of drama. I give this book a 9 out of 10. The book was a little sad at the end, it would bring tears to your eyes.

Anonymous said...

on a scale of one stars, I give S.E.Hintion's the outsiders 4 stars.I give the book this rating because the book is a great book in the begining but the part near the end is bad.M favorit character was ponyboy because he is tough but he still cares about his life and his friends and his family.I liked the pat where thay burnt down the church.I liked it because it was exciting.I would change the part near the end.I liked S.E.Hintion because she is a goood writer.i wold recomend this book to people who like violence.

Anonymous said...

This book was so good that on a scale 1 to 5 I would give it a 5 because it was so action packed.My favorite character is the football player named Darry.My favorite part in the book is the rumble because there is alot fighting.There is nothing that I would change in this book it was all cool.

Anonymous said...

I give this book a rating of 5 stars because I love S.E. Hinton's use of feeling and slang words in the book. It helps you understand the time that the book was written in. I don't have favorite character, but I love the plot of the story. Whenever I thought the book was going to end, something else happened. It has a lot of adventure and you can tell the writer was a deep thinker. I would definetly recommend "The Outsiders".

Anonymous said...

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